Add Financials - APG, ASG, OTH (web)

Add Financials - APG, ASG, OTH (web)


The workflow below applies for entering financials pertaining to Animal Purchase Groups (APGs), Animal Sales Groups (ASGs), and Other Transactions (OTH).

Enter details

  1. Select Financial, Animal Purchases/Animal Sales/Other Transactions, + New APG/ASG/Other Transactions to add a new record.

  2. Fill in the the required details, select + Create.

Add Animals

  1. To add Animals, select +Add Animals.

  2. Select from Reconciled Session/s, Add Criteria options if required, select +Add Selected Animals to APG/ASG/OTH

Add Expenses

  1. Select +Add Item.

  2. Use the dropdown boxes to produce Expense lines, select Add Item if more Income and Expense lines are required, select Save when complete.
    An Animal Amount – Base Price must be entered to apply to all selected animals in both APGs and ASGs.  Warnings will be given if the Income and Expenses are unable to be prorated to the Animals selected.
    Expense lines will be applied to any animal in the APG/ASG/OTH if the criteria options are left as the default: (Any). Use the criteria to apply the expense line to specific groups of animals.

  3. To allocate the income and expenses to the animals, select % Prorate Expenses to Animals.

  4. Edit as required, or if complete select Reconcile.

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