Backup functionality exists in case of tablet failure. This article outlines how to:
- Load a Micro SD card
- Setup Live Backup - This creates a Backup on the SD card
- Verify Live Backup - This compares the Live Data to the Live Backup to ensure they match exactly
- Perform Manual Backup - This creates a Backup of the StockMate database on the Tablet, on the cloud
Load Micro SD Card

These steps may differ slightly between tablet models.
- Source a Micro SD Card (one
may have come with Tablet). Identify the Micro SD Card slot on the
right-hand side of your tablet, and open it (using Ejector Tool, paper
clip, or toothpick, if required).

- Insert Micro SD Card, label side up, and ensure SD Card slot is closed properly.
Setup Live Backup
Live Backup creates a copy of the App database on your SD card. Once setup, all changes made on the StockMate App are instantly copied to the Live Backup database as you work.

The use of the Live Backup function relies on tablets having SD cards inserted – this is where the live backup will be saved and stored.
It is highly recommended you enable Live Backup, and ensure it remains enabled. When Live Backup is enabled and working correctly there is a green link icon in the toolbar on all StockMate screens.
- From the StockMate App Dashboard, tap More (top-right 3 dots), Preferences.

In the Database Backups section of the screen, tap
Enable Live Backup.

Ensure that StockMate has been granted permission to access all files on the Tablet. If this permission is not granted, Live Backup will not be enabled.
- Tap Continue on the pop message. Wait while a copy of your database is taken.

Live Backup is now enabled.

The green link icon (top-right) will be displayed on all StockMate screens to indicate that Live Backup is working correctly. If the Live Backup is ever automatically disabled (e.g. SD card removed) the link icon will be Red.

The Live Backup database can be found at the specified storage location.
Verify Live Backup
The Live Backup can be verified to compare the Live data to the Live Backup file to ensure they match exactly.
Verification will occur automatically each time the app is opened. To skip the process, tap Skip Verification (not recommended).

Skipping the Verification process will result in the link icon being Orange – Live Backup will still be operating correctly.
To perform a manual Verification, from the
Dashboard, tap
More (top-right 3 dots),
Verify Live Backup/Verify Live Backup (Quick). 
Dismiss once process is complete.

In the unlikely event that the verification fails, Live Backup will automatically be disabled. Follow the steps in the Setup Live Backup section of this article, to set up Live Backup again.
Whilst Live Backup creates a Backup Database on a SD card in the Tablet, a Manual Backup creates a Backup within the StockMate app, and is stored in the Internal Storage of the tablet.

These manual backups are only accessible via the Manage Database Backups screen, and will be deleted on Restore or when the StockMate database is deleted. To securely store a manual backup see Manage Database Backups below for export options.
- On the StockMate Dashboard, tap More (top-right 3 dots), About & Support, Backup Database.

- Tap Dismiss when Backup has completed.

Manage Database Backups
- To view the log of Backups performed, tap More (top-right 3 dots), About & Support, Manage Database Backups.

- The details of all Backups are displayed along with the Last Modified date and the Location of where the Backup is stored, e.g., external or internal storage.
- To manage, long press on the required backup:
- Export - allows selection of the location the file will be backed up to.
- Export to SD Card - the backup will be exported to the default "StockMate Backups" folder on the SD card.
- Restore - refer to Restore (app) for further details.
- Delete - deletes the backup from StockMate and the tablet.
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