Carcase Performance Report (web)

Carcase Performance Report (web)

The Carcase Performance Report displays Animals and their associated imported carcase data, when they have been linked through Kill Lots. The report can be customised to display a detailed or summarised view of imported data.
Administrator or Area Manager permission levels are required to access the Carcase functionality.

Generating the Report

Select CarcaseReports, Carcase Performance. Specify ‘Search Criteria’ if desired, and select a 'Report Configuration'. Load.
  1. This report can be configured to display the data fields most relevant to your requirements. Detailed instructions on creating or editing a Report Configuration can be found in Report Configurations.
  2. For instructions regarding specifying Search Criteria, refer to Report Search Criteria.
  3. For detailed instructions about the Pivot function, refer to Report Pivots.


Below are some examples of using the Carcase Performance Report.
  1. With the objective to view animals that are in Kill Lots, in the Search Criteria a user can search by Previous Property (i.e., the property animals were exited from) and / or Property (i.e., External Property, such as Abattoir animals were sent to).
    Below shows all animals exited from Ashby Downs, and sent to The Abattoir.

  1. To view a preset pivot and chart showing a 'Sire Comparison' for attributes such as Lean Meat Yield, Carcase Eye Muscle Area and Hot Carcase Weight averages, select the Pivot tab after loading the report configuration for Carcase Feedback by Sire.

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