Carcase Settings (web)

Carcase Settings (web)

When animals are sent to Abattoirs, the abattoirs collect a range of data points on them. This information is sent to the owners of the cattle. Currently there is limited industry standard for the data captured by the abattoirs or the way data points are presented in feedback files. Furthermore, the data points and formats also vary between abattoirs.
In order to prepare the data file for import into StockMate, and enable consistent reporting of the information, some settings within the Carcase functionality in StockMate are required.
  1. Carcase Attributes
  2. Import Templates
  3. Tenant Settings
Administrator or Area Manager permission levels are required to access the Carcase functionality.

Carcase Attributes

An organisation may have a specified list of of attributes they would like to see in report results to enable comparison and analysis of data over time. This section enables the setup of a limited number of field values that can be used to map the data received from abattoirs.
The Value Mappings contain some presets values, and should be customised based on the Carcase feedback values received from the abattoirs.
  1. From the StockMate Dashboard, select Carcase, Settings, Carcase Attributes.
  2.  Select a Carcase Attribute from the drop-down list.
    1. Select an existing To Value to add addition From Values.
    2. Select + New Value Mapping to add new To Values, and the associated From Values.
      The 'From Values (CSV)' is the value provided by the relevant abattoir for each animal they receive.
      The 'To Value (StockMate)' is the standard values used in StockMate for reporting purposes.

  3. Input the From Values (CSV), To Value (StockMate). Select Save.
    When specifying multiple values in the 'From Values (CSV)' field, press Enter after each value to separate them.
  4. The Value Mappings for each Carcase Attribute in the drop-down list will be listed on screen.
  5. To delete an existing Value Mapping item, select the relevant item, Delete.
    This will only impact imports that occur after the deletion, any From or To Values that were previously imported will retain the value assigned at import.
  6. If a duplicate 'To Value (StockMate)' is accidentally created, an alert will be displayed. Select Merge values that map to "xx" to resolve the duplication.

Import Templates

Abattoirs do not have set header names or a prescribed order in which they present the fields of data. Nor do they have a pre-determined list of fields that need to be included in the data they provide. Since each abattoir provides information in its own format, a mapping template will be required for each abattoir.
  1. To setup a template, select Carcase, Settings, Import Templates.
  2. Select + New Import Template.
  3. Input Name, select Abattoir (Optional) and Purchaser (Optional). Can also apply default Kill Lot Actions to the Template. Select Browse.
    If the 'Add unexited animals to exit session' option is ticked, then an Abattoir name must be selected.

  4. The first row of data in the CSV file is displayed as a preview of the fields in the imported file.
    If the columns have not been mapped, select Auto-generate.

  5. For each field in the CSV file listed under 'Mapping Expression', select the relevant StockMate Field from the drop-down list to map the values in the CSV to those in StockMate.
    Some fields may not have a corresponding StockMate field, or may not be of interest to the organisation, these can be left as "(Not Mapped)".

    Mapping Expression Tips:
    When selected, the icon to the left of a Mapping Expression will pop-out Documentation to help correctly format Mapping Expressions where required.

    Select the icon to the right of Mapping Expression to find an appropriate Date format. Where Kill Date is not accompanied by Kill Time, the time will default to 12:00AM to use for Importing.

    Example 1; Perhaps the Kill Time and Kill Date are in separate columns on the CSV, and you would like to include both in your Import data. As the StockMate Field 'Kill Date/Time' can only be mapped once per Import Template, the Mapping Expression needs to be formatted to combine both -
    Where the Kill Date/Time field has been mapped, Add [Kill Time] next to [Kill Date] in the Mapping Expression. Format the date to match the CSV followed by the format for time.

    Hints for the format string to use found in the Mapping Expression Documentation OR use the Select date parsing format icon to find a format that may suit.
    If the Mapping Expression is not formatted to parse correctly, the Preview will advise that it's an Invalid Date.

    Example 2; Some StockMate Fields that pertain to Value and Price are set as per kg, however a feedback file may show figure that reflects a lump sum. These need to be recalculated back to a per kg basis in order to report correctly after Import -
    As shown in the Mapping Expression Documentation, basic arithmetic is used to calculate numeric fields where necessary. A lump Discount price, will need to be divided (/) by the Hot Carcase Weight to find the appropriate numeric value of Carcase Discount Price per kg. Preview will example the result of the calculation.
  6. Once all required fields have been mapped, select Save.
  7. The Import Template will be visible on the Carcase Import Templates screen.

Tenant Settings

When Kill Lot Actions are used to populate the Exit weight, sometimes the calculation will rely on the Exit Weight setting saved in Tenant Settings.
  1. Select Administration, Tenant Settings and the Weights tab.
    1. Use last weight of Animal when Exit Weight is not available: unticked by default. Tick if you want to enable the use of Last Weights when prorating.
    2. Limit days between last weights X days: unticked by default. Tick if you want to limit the days between Last Weights for animals within the Exit Session. e.g., if you tick and nominate '7 days', if the last weight of one animal was 3 days ago, and the last weight of another was 12 days ago (9 days difference), StockMate will warn the user and not allow them to create the Exit Session as weights can not successfully be prorated, when using the Prorate Total Live Weight by Last Weight option.

  2. Select Save Changes.

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