Contract Charges Report (web)

Contract Charges Report (web)

The Contract Charges Report allows you to report on Contract Charges for individual animals for any date range. Typically, users would run this report to align with invoicing of the Contract animals; either periodically throughout the contract (e.g., fortnightly), or simply at the end of the Contract.
For more information about Contracts refer to Contracts (web).
  1. From the Contract Details screen, select Contract Charges Report.
  2. Input the date range required, Run Report.
  3. The Contract Charges Report will display on screen showing a Contract overview, Summary Charges, followed by Detailed Charges for individual animals.
  4. The Report can be printed to PDF by selecting the Printer icon.

The report components can also be downloaded to CSV if required.
The Contract Charges Report values are not stored, and are recalculated each time the report is run (so values could change if underlying session values or Contract settings are modified). The Report should be run and downloaded or printed to PDF if a copy is required.
For more detail about the Contract Charges Report, refer to to the section below.

Contract Charges Report (Detailed)

This section provides a description and further details of the information contained in the Contract Charges Report.
The report is recalculated each time it is run, based on the latest Contract detail and the user-nominated date range. i.e., there is no log of historical reports being run, so if the Contract or linked animals are modified, then this report should be re-run by the user to reflect the latest details.
The report is broken into three main sections, detailed below: Header, Summary Charges, and Detailed Charges.

Contract Details

  1. Contract Name: Can be added/edited in the Contract Details screen.
  2. Report Period: Defined at the top-right of the Contract Charges Report prior to generating.
  3. Flat Rate: The amount charged per head, per day. Can be added/edited in the Contract Details screen.
  4. Gain Rate: The amount charged per kg of weight gain. Can be added/edited in the Contract Details screen.
    If animals have not yet exited the Contract, estimated weight gain charges are calculated using the Gain Rate and Estimated ADG values. Once the animal exits, a charge for the difference between estimated and actual weight gain is applied.
  5. Estimated ADG: Reflects the Estimated Average Daily Gain (kg per head per day), used to calculate interim gain charges for livestock that have not exited the Contract (see Gain Rate above). Can be added/edited in the Contract Details screen.
  6. Property: The Property the Contract is linked to. Can be added/edited in the Contract Details screen.
  7. Owner: The Owner of the Contracted livestock. Can be added/edited in the Contract Details screen.
  8. Shrink In: Shows the default Shrink In for the Contract. If the default has been manually modified for linked Sessions, the actual Shrink In range is nominated underneath.
  9. Shrink Out: Shows the default Shrink Out for the Contract. If the default has been manually modified for linked Sessions, the actual Shrink In range is nominated underneath.

Head Counts

  1. Opening Balance: The number of head against the contract at the very start of the date range. (e.g., if date range is 01/06-30/06, the head count is as-of 12am on 01/06).
  2. Onto Contract in Period: The number of head in 'Onto Contract' sessions linked to the contract within the date range.
    If an animal went both ‘On Contract’ and ‘Off Contract’ in the same reporting period, it is still included in this figure.
  3. Off Contract in Period: The number of head in 'Off Contract' non-Dead sessions linked to the contract within the date range.
  4. Died in Period: The number of head in 'Off Contract' Dead sessions linked to the contract within the date range.
  5. Closing Balance: The number of animals on the Contract at the end of the reporting period. = Opening Balance + Onto Contract in Period - Off Contract in Period - Died In Period.

Summary Charges

Summary Charges are divided into:
  1. Off Contract in Period: Values pertaining to the number of head in 'Off Contract' non-Dead sessions linked to the contract within the date range.
  2. Died in Period: Values pertaining to the number of head in 'Off Contract' Dead sessions linked to the contract within the date range.
  3. Remaining: Values pertaining to the animals that are still on the Contract at the end of the reporting period.
The columns are detailed below:
  1. Head: The number of head in that category for the date range.
  2. In Weight (Avg): (kg) The average In Weight for livestock in the category, based on each animal’s individual Session weight, but impacted by a Session Weighbridge Weight (if it exists) and Shrink (if it exists).
    1. For example: If there are 10 animals in an Arrival session whose individual weights total 2000kg, and the WB Weight is 2100kg, and if the Shrink In is 3%, the Contract In Weight for an animal whose Session weight was 220kg would be calculated as 2100/2000*220*0.97=224.07kg.
  3. Contract Head Days: The total number of days from the In Date to either the Out Date (for Off Contract livestock) or to the Report End Date (for Remaining livestock).
    Note that the In Date is considered “day 0”, so Head Days for an animal In on 20/08 and Out/Dead on 24/08 is 4.
  4. Contract Est. Gain: (kg) 'Estimated ADG' from Contract x 'Contract Head Days'.
    1. The value will be blank if Contract ‘Estimated ADG’ is blank.
  5. Period Head Days: The total number of days from the start of the reporting period to either the Out Date (for Off Contract livestock) or to the Report End Date (for Remaining livestock).
    The In Date is considered “day 0”, but if the animal came onto the Contract prior to the start of the reporting period, the period start date is considered “day 1".
    1. For example: if the reporting period is 01/06-30/06: if animal A arrived on 15/05, its Period Head Days would be 30 (because 01/06 is day 1, not day 0). If animal B arrived on 05/06, its Period Head Days would be 25 (because 05/06 is day 0).
  6. Period Est. Gain: (kg) 'Estimated ADG' from Contract x 'Period Head Days'.
    1. The value will be blank if Contract ‘Estimated ADG’ is blank.
  7. Period Gain Charge: ($) 'Gain Rate' from Contract x 'Period Est. Gain'.
    1. The value will be blank if Contract ‘Gain Rate’ or ‘Estimated ADG’ is blank.
  8. Period Flat Charge: ($) 'Flat Rate' from Contract x 'Period Head Days'.
    1. The value will be blank if Contract ‘Flat Rate’ is blank.
  9. Out Weight (Avg): (kg) The average Out Weight for livestock in the category, based on each animal’s individual Session weight, but impacted by a Session Weighbridge Weight (if it exists) and Shrink (if it exists).
    1. Not applicable to ‘Remaining’ animals.
    2. For example: If there are 10 animals in an Exit session whose individual weights total 2000kg, and the WB Weight is 2100kg, and if the Shrink Out is 3%, the Contract Out Weight for an animal whose Session weight was 220kg would be calculated as 2100/2000*220*0.97=224kg.
  10. Contract Gain: (kg) 'Out Weight (Avg)' less 'In Weight (Avg)' (limited to 2 decimal places per animal)
    1. Not applicable to ‘Remaining’ animals.
  11. Gain Variation: (kg) 'Contract Gain' less '[Contract Head Days' x 'Estimated ADG' from Contract].
    1. Not applicable to ‘Remaining’ animals.
    2. The value will be blank if Contract ‘Estimated ADG’ is blank.
  12. Gain Charge Variation: ($) 'Gain Rate' from Contract x 'Gain Variation'.
    1. Not applicable to ‘Remaining’ animals.
    2. The value will be blank if Contract ‘Gain Rate’ or ‘Estimated ADG’ is blank.
  13. Total Period Charge: ($) 'Period Gain Charge' + 'Period Flat Charge' + 'Gain Charge Variation'

Detailed Charges

 Like the Summary Charges section, the Detailed Charges are divided into:
  1. Off Contract in Period: Animals in 'Off Contract' non-Dead sessions linked to the contract within the date range.
  2. Died in Period: Animals in 'Off Contract' Dead sessions linked to the contract within the date range.
  3. Remaining: Animals that are still on the Contract at the end of the reporting period.
The detailed charges section closely resembles the Summary Charges section, however it lists individual animals, and has a small number of additional fields pertaining to individuals. Please see above description for detail pertaining to calculations for fields common to both sections.

Columns unique to this section are listed below:
  1. EID: EID of the animal. (If it has had an EID change, its latest EID in SM will be listed.)
  2. Visual Tag: Visual Tag of the animal. (If it has had a Visual Tag change, its latest Tag in SM will be listed.)
  3. Gender: Gender of the animal. (If it has had a Gender change, its latest Gender in SM will be listed.)
  4. Breed: Breed of the animal. (If it has had a Breed change, its latest Breed in SM will be listed.)
  5. In Session Code: The Session Code in which the animal was linked ‘Onto Contract’.
  6. In Date: The Session Date (not Scan Date) of the ‘Onto Contract’ Session.
  7. Out Session Code: The Session Code in which the animal was linked ‘Off Contract’.
  8. Out Date: The Session Date (not Scan Date) of the ‘Off Contract’ Session.

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