Create New Session – Import CSV (web)

Create New Session – Import CSV (web)

Sessions are used throughout StockMate. In some instances it may be possible to import animal data into StockMate via a CSV file rather than scanning each animal, for example, new users can setup their Stock on Hand by importing a CSV of animal data in an Arrival Session.
  1. Select Sessions, Import Session. Select Pre-Arrival/Arrival/Handling/Exit from the drop-down list.
  2. Select Get Import Template. Save and Open the file.
    The ‘Get Import Template’ CSV file is identical regardless of the Session Type, however the fields that are permitted or required in that Session Type may differ depending on the Session Type. Refer to Import CSV – Input Information (web), which details what is expected in every field in the 'Get Import Template' CSV file, and nominates what fields are limited to certain Session types.

  3. Populate the CSV template and save the file to your computer in CSV format.
    Ensure that, entered data, e.g., the Mob, Gender, Class, Breed, Property, Paddock and Contacts, match exactly with existing parameters in StockMate.
  4. In StockMate, input the fields for the Pre-Arrival/Arrival/Handling/Exit Session. Browse to the CSV file saved on your computer.
    A Source option of Scan or Bulk is available in Import Sessions.  This classification is important to distinguish animals that have been physically scanned from those that weren’t scanned and are just a list of animals that should be in a specific Property/Paddock.  It is used in the calculation of the Last Scanned Date of an animal in Bulk Handling Sessions and the Livestock Report.

    If the ‘Property’ and ‘Paddock’ columns are populated on the CSV file, the animals will be moved to these Properties/Paddocks, regardless of the web form ‘Default Destination’ option.
    If ‘Default Destination’ is ticked on the web form, the user can specify the ‘Property’ and ‘Paddock’, which will be used for CSV records with a blank ‘Property’ and ‘Paddock’.

  5. Select Import [X] Records, to import the file. A large file may take a minute or more to import, please do not leave or refresh the page in the meantime.

    If the import is unsuccessful, an error message is displayed.  For more information regarding failed records, select Download Errors. Follow the prompts to open and view the CSV file. You may have to scroll to the right to view the Error Message(s) displayed in the last column.  This file can then be edited as necessary, saved and imported again.
    If the import completes successfully, a confirmation message is displayed. To view the Session that was created, select Review this Session.

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