CSV Export to StockaID

CSV Export to StockaID

This export is useful for clients using both StockMate and StockaID (and may also have wider application). There are two different sets of data such clients may want to send from StockMate to StockaID.
  1. Export just Exits from StockMate in order to create Arrivals/Inductions in StockaID. This would be helpful for animals that are scanned off the StockMate property using StockMate, as it can help avoid scanning them onto the feedlot property using StockaID.
  2. Export all StockMate Sessions in order to replicate all StockMate data in StockaID.
There is a StockMate Tenant Setting that determines which above format your CSV Export to StockaID will use - please see Tenant Settings for detail if required.

  1. For option (1) above, select “Only export exit sessions to StockaID”.
  2. For option (2) above, select “Only export reconciled sessions to StockaID” (ensuring “Only export exit sessions to StockaID” is deselected).

Export Exit Sessions to StockaID

The CSV Export To StockaID with the ‘Only export exit sessions to StockaID’ option ticked allows the user to generate a CSV file containing only Exit session information, for import to StockaID. If the ‘Only export reconciled sessions to StockaID’ option is ticked then only reconciled Exit sessions are included.
  1. Select AdministrationTenant Settings. On the Tenant Settings screen, select Sessions. Tick Only export exit sessions to StockaID, choose to tick or untick Only export reconciled session to StockaIDSave Changes.
    Elynx recommend having the reconciled option ticked, to ensure data uploaded to StockaID is not further edited in StockMate. Refer to Animals in Session Screen Overview (web)) for further detail on reconciling sessions.

  2. Select Reports, CSV Export, StockaID, Load.
  3. Select Download. One CSV file containing Exit information for the session selected will be generated. Download and save it to your PC.
  4. The CSV file can then be used in StockaID as an Arrival or Induction import file.

Export All Sessions to StockaID

The CSV Export To StockaID with the ‘Only export exit sessions to StockaID’ Tenant Setting option unticked allows the user to generate a CSV file containing Arrivals (Inductions), Handling (Drafts), Exits, and Deads, and Treatments for all sessions, for import to StockaID.  If the ‘Only export reconciled sessions to StockaID’ option is ticked then only reconciled sessions are included.
  1. Select AdministrationTenant Settings. On the Sessions tab, ensure Only export exit sessions to StockaID is unticked, choose to tick or untick Only export reconciled session to StockaID,  Save Changes.
    Elynx recommend having the reconciled option ticked, to ensure data uploaded to StockaID is not further edited in StockMate. Refer to Animals in Session Screen Overview (web) for further detail on reconciling sessions.

  2. Select Reports, CSV Export, StockaID, Export Pending Sessions.

  3. One CSV file containing Arrivals (Inductions), Handling (Drafts), Exits, and Deads, and another containing Treatments, will be generated. Download and save it to your PC. (Please see StockaID instructions for import to StockaID, if required.)

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