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NLIS Overview
The NLIS Section of the StockMate website allows users to perform a raft of transactions between the NLIS database and the StockMate database. NLIS Settings - enter your NLIS credentials into StockMate to get started (this is a once off). ...
NLIS Logs can be used to search, filter and view transactions between StockMate and the NLIS database. Successful, unsuccessful and cleared uploads; data imported into StockMate via Downloads, Reconcile or Devices Purchased; and, any errors and ...
Tenant Settings (web)
Users with Administrator Level Permissions can choose settings to reflect business rules within the organisation. Not all settings are relevant for all StockMate users. Of note is the ‘Mob Based’ setting, found in Sessions. Choosing this setting ...
Financial Tenant Settings (web)
If the Animal Sales Group (ASG) Cost Basis is "per kg", each animal's Exit Weight is used by default. A Tenant Setting exists to instead allow ASGs to use the Last Weight recorded against each animal, which is useful for users who do not weigh ...
Carcase Settings (web)
When animals are sent to Abattoirs, the abattoirs collect a range of data points on them. This information is sent to the owners of the cattle. Currently there is limited industry standard for the data captured by the abattoirs or the way data points ...