Report Configurations

Report Configurations

Report Configurations can be used to tailor the data displayed in reports for specific needs. Report Configurations can be shared across an organisation so all users have access to them, made private for personal use, and added to a Starred list for ease of access. As a starting point most reports have multiple Preset Configurations displaying different categories of interest.
Each configuration has a security level:
  1. Presets: Communal configurations that have been predefined in StockMate. They are available for anyone to use, but can not be edited or deleted.
  2. Mine: Private configurations that can only be used, edited or deleted by the owner.
  3. Shared: Communal configurations created by a user. They are available for anyone to use and edit, however can only be renamed or deleted by an Administrator.

Editing a Report Configuration

  1. From the Report Screen select the Cog.
    Select an existing Configuration that most closely represents your reporting needs, to limit the editing required.

  2. Enter the Configuration Name, Page Size, and use the Column picker to select/deselect the required fields.
    Use the filter to narrow down the list of fields.

  3.  Select Save Copy, if the base report was a Preset Configuration.

    OR select Save As, to create a copy of the existing customised Configuration.

    OR select Save, to overwrite the existing customised Configuration. 
  4. To include Sorting;
    1. Select the Report Configuration, and Load the report.
    2. Select the sort option for desired columns, when complete select the Cog.

    3. Select Update, Save.

  5. Select Share, to make "Mine" report Configurations available to all users.
    Only Administrators can rename or delete shared configurations. However, anyone can edit them.

  6. Refer to Report Pivots for further information on adding Pivot Configurations.

Starred Configurations

The list of Report Configurations can become quite large. Often you will have certain reports you need to run regularly, these can be Starred for quick and easy access. Once a configuration is Starred it will show at the top of the Report Configuration list.
Each user has their own list of Starred Configurations.
  1. From the Report Configuration dropdown, select the desired Configuration. Select the Cog.

  2. Select the Star. The Star will then change to yellow.

  3. In the Report Configuration dropdown, the starred Configurations will now show at the top of the list.

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