Report Pivots

Report Pivots

Pivot mode allows the user to analyse the data loaded in the Report using a pivot table. The Rocket icon provides a guided tour of the pivot functionality in StockMate.

Pivots are created and saved against report configurations. Once the pivot is saved, it will remain available whenever that report configuration is used and can be run in future without needing to be recreated from scratch.
In order to use Pivot mode, data needs to be loaded into the Results section of the screen.

Setting up a Pivot

  1. To load data, input the relevant Search Criteria, select the required Report Configuration, Load.

  2. The data loaded in the report is visible in Data mode. This data feeds into the Pivot table which groups and summarises the data according to the Pivot table's selected fields.
  3. To add fields to the Pivot table, select Pivot, open the Field Chooser where you can select fields for the pivot table.

  4. In the Field Chooser window, select the fields to be included in each part of the pivot table.
    The columns from Data mode are available as 'fields' in Pivot mode. All the available fields are shown in the All Fields section in the Chooser.
  5. Fields can be added to the pivot table by dragging them from the All Fields section into one of the other sections: Row Fields, Column Fields, Data Fields and Filter Fields. At least one field must be added to each of the four sections in the Field Chooser. Select X.
    If a total count of the number of heads is required, ‘Total Animals’ must be included in the Data field. The Pivot function in StockMate cannot count the number of animals based on other fields such as 'EID' or 'NLIS ID'.

  6. The data is displayed in a pivot table. Select Save As... to save the Pivot. Rename the Pivot configuration, select Save.

  7. To display the pivot as a chart, select Add Chart.

  8. Select the Chart type from the dropdown box. Select Stacked, if desired, to change the way the chart is displayed.
  9. Type in the Title for the Chart. It can then be saved or printed. Select an Export format from the dropdown list.

Additional information about Pivots

  1. There are preset pivot report configurations for some Reports in StockMate as follows:
    Name of Report
    Preset Pivot Configuration
    Livestock Report
    Arrivals by Breed over time; Genders per Class
    Sessions Report
    Moves by Class
    Treatments Report
    Treatment Usage over Time; Treatments by Ailment
    Forecast by Weight Report
    Exit Week by Mob
  1. Select the Rocket icon to take a guided tour of the Pivot function in StockMate.
  1. The data in the Pivot is grouped, filtered and summarised by the fields you selected in the Field Chooser. The description of the sections in the Field Chooser are as follows:
    Row Fields
    These are used to group the data. If the user selects multiple row fields, then the grouping is nested. You can expand and collapse nested groups by clicking the row headers.
    Column Fields
    These are used to group the data in a second dimension. If the user selects multiple column fields, then the grouping is nested - you can collapse and expand nested groups by clicking the column headers.
    Data Fields
    These are used to calculate summary values in the pivot table's cells. These values summarise the data represented by the intersection of any given row and column in the pivot table.
  1. Pivot Configurations can be managed using the toolbar. A set of pivot mode settings - including selected fields, sorting, filtering and charts - can be saved as a Pivot Configuration. A saved configuration can be quickly loaded by selecting it from the drop-down list. Pivot configurations are saved within the current Report Configuration.
    Pivot Configurations can not be saved to StockMate Preset Report Configurations, instead a copy of the report configuration will be automatically generated on save.

    Use the Save button to save changes you've made to the current Pivot Configuration. Other tasks such as renaming and deleting Pivot Configurations can be performed from the Report Configuration editor.

    Individual Pivot Configurations can be added or deleted and renamed. A Pivot Configuration can be selected for editing by clicking it. The selected one is highlighted in dark blue. Select Save.

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