Setup Allflex RS420 EID Reader (app)

Setup Allflex RS420 EID Reader (app)

The Allflex RS420 EID Reader can be setup via Bluetooth to connect with StockMate and send EID information.

Bluetooth: EID only

EID Reader 

  1. Turn on the EID Reader. From the menu, select Bluetooth Settings. Ensure the Tablets Bluetooth connectivity is on and discoverable.
  2. Select Select Device.
  3. Select Search New Device.

  4. The EID Reader will search for a few seconds until it locates the Tablet.
  5. Highlight the Tablet Name on the EID Reader and press the top button on the EID Reader to pair the devices.
    The Tablet Name may display as "Unknown".

  6. Once the devices are paired, on the Tablet a screen will appear asking for a PIN code. Enter 1234, select Pair. 

Pairing Device

  1. On the Android tablet, pair the Allflex RS420 EID Reader.
    1. From the StockMate Options Menu, tap Hardware Connections (top-right, comms icon).
    2. Tap the Bluetooth icon.
    3. Scan and select the RS420 EID Reader from the Available devices list. A pairing code will be displayed on the Android device only. Accept the code.
    4. To return to Hardware Connections, use the back button on the tablet.
  2. Tap +Add Device, Stick Reader.
  3. Select Options so the Hardware Connections screen will look like the screenshot below (Paired Device: select the device paired in step 1). Tap Save.
    Name the device clearly for easy selection, as multiple devices can be setup within StockMate.

  4. Toggle to initiate the connection. A successful connection will be indicated by a green Bluetooth icon.
    A successful connection must be established before proceeding.

StockMate Settings

  1. From the StockMate Options Menu, tap Hardware Connections (top-right, comms icon).

  2. Toggle the Allflex RS420 to connect.
    The Bluetooth icon will turn green when successfully connected.

  3. To test: Scan an EID on the Allflex RS420 and it will be transferred to StockMate.
    If there are issues with the Reader sending the EID, refer to the Troubleshooting section at the bottom of this article.

Using in a Scan Session

To use in a scan session, use Hardware Connections to toggle required Devices on. Refer to Create New Scan Session – Session Setup (app) for further details.
To check 
Hardware connections, tap Hardware Connections (top-right, comms icon), and edit if required.
  1. In StockMate, from the StockMate Options Menu, tap Hardware Connections (top-right, comms icon).
  2. Toggle the Allflex RS420 Reader to connect.


  1. Download Tag Manager software from and install. 
  2. If required during the Tag Manager Installation process, install .NET Framework 3.5. Otherwise skip to the next step.
    To install .NET Framework 3.5;
    1. Type "Turn Windows features on or off" in Windows start menu, Open
    2. Select the checkbox in front of .NET Framework 3.5, select OK.
    3. Windows will guide the user through the installation process.
  3. Open Tag Manager. Connect to your RS420 EID Reader. Select Configurations. Select Advanced Settings.
  4. Select the ID Code Format tab. Input settings as shown below. Select Apply Settings.
  5. StockMate should now receive the expected RFID format.

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