Setup External Properties (web & app)

Setup External Properties (web & app)

External Properties are locations where animals are coming from or going to, and are external to the tenant’s property. Location Types include: Abattoir, Feedlot, Live Export, Locality, Property, and Saleyard.
External properties can be setup on either the web or the app.

Setup External Properties on the Web

  1. Select Configuration, Properties & Paddocks, External Properties, + Add External Property.

  2. Enter the External Property Details fields, ensuring the property is selected as an Origin, Destination or both.
    Note is an optional field it allows for 250 characters of free text. Select Save Changes.

  3. Repeat the above steps to set up each External Property. On the External Property screen, a blue icon will indicate the Properties which have notes against them. Hovering over the icon will display the note.

Setup External Properties on the App

  1. On the StockMate Dashboard, tap Configuration (top-right cog icon), Properties & Paddocks, External Properties.
  2. To edit an existing External Property, tap the External Property, update details, Save.

  3. To add a new External Property, tap the + from the top right corner of the screen, input External Property details, Save.

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