Setup Ruddweigh 800 Weigh Scale (app)

Setup Ruddweigh 800 Weigh Scale (app)

The Ruddweigh 800 Weigh Scale indicator can be used with StockMate via Bluetooth (Bluetooth adaptor required).

Connecting via Bluetooth

Device Settings

Bluetooth Adaptor

  1. Plug the Bluetooth adaptor into Port 2 on the Ruddweigh 800 Weigh Scale indicator.
  2. Connect the power cord for the adaptor and power on. The power cord for the adaptor is separate from the power cord to the Weigh Scale indicator.
  3. Change the Bluetooth adaptor settings to reflect the ones below. The adaptor might have different default settings, which must be changed. Refer to the Bluetooth device manual for further details.
    Baud rate: 9600
    Data bit: 8
    Parity: N (none)
    Stop bit: 1

Ruddweigh 800 Weigh Scale Indicator

  1. Turn the selector dial to S (SETUP), and navigate through the Setup menu by pressing the first round button on the left.

  2. Select Communication sub menu. Press the first round button on the right as shown in the image below.

  3. Set Port 1 as Unused and Port 2 as RuddWeigh (The Bluetooth adaptor is connected to Port 2).
    Press the first round button on the left to navigate between the listed ports.
    Press the second round button from left, to change options for each port.
    Press the first round button on the right to confirm a selection.

  4. Change selector dial to A (Auto) position to record weights.

Android Tablet

  1. Open Android Bluetooth Settings.
  2. Ensure the Bluetooth adaptor is powered on and ready to pair.
  3. Select the device in the Available Devices list, and select Pair.
    If prompted for a PIN or passcode, try 0000 or 1234, otherwise consult the Bluetooth device manual
  4. Paired device now will be visible in paired device section.

StockMate Settings

  1. From the StockMate Dashboard, tap More (three dots at top-left) Preferences. 

  2. Tap Config.
  3. Select options to match the screenshot below. Tap Save & Test to establish the connection.
    Paired Device will be the Bluetooth Adaptor.

Using in a Scan Session

To use in a scan session, from the Session Setup screen ensure Hardware Connections is ticked on. Refer to Create New Scan Session – Session Setup (app) for further details.
To check Hardware connections, tap Config, and edit if required.

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