Uploading NLIS Arrivals, Deaths and EID Replacements

Uploading NLIS Arrivals, Deaths and EID Replacements

The steps outlined below are required to use StockMate to notify the NLIS database of Arrivals, Deaths, and EID Replacements.
These functions are a requirement of NLIS, therefore it is expected that StockMate users will perform these steps frequently.
The StockMate information available to be uploaded is gathered from animal movements entered on the StockMate website and app.
e.g. via Scans, Bulk Moves, CSV Imports – any function that ‘moves’ an animal in StockMate.
StockMate calculates Origin and Destination PICs using the StockMate Paddock PIC and Origin and Destination PICs. For this reason, it is recommended that StockMate Sessions are manually checked and marked as 'Reconciled' before being uploaded to the NLIS database.

NLIS Upload - Arrivals

Upload Arrivals can be used to notify the NLIS database of Animals that have Arrived or changed PIC within StockMate.
Arrivals and any other movement session that cause the PIC of an animal to change will be available for upload.
For Arrival uploads to be successful, Origin PIC must be populated against the animal.
Origin and Destination PIC for internal movements will pull from the PIC assigned to the paddocks via Configuration > Properties & Paddocks > Paddocks.
  1. Select NLIS, Upload, Arrivals, input Search Criteria, Load.

  2. Select/deselect Sessions, Next Step: Upload Arrivals to NLIS.
  3. Select/deletes Animals, Upload xxx selected Arrival to NLIS OR Clear xxx selected Arrivals.

NLIS Upload - Deaths

  1. Select NLIS, Upload, Deaths, input Search Criteria, Load.

  2. Select/deselect Sessions, Next Step: Upload Deaths to NLIS.
  3. Select/deletes Animals, Upload xxx selected Deaths to NLIS OR Clear xxx selected Deaths.

    NLIS Upload - EID Replacements

  1. Select NLIS, Upload, EID Replacements, input Search Criteria, Load.

  2. Select/deselect Sessions, Next Step: Upload EID Replacements to NLIS.

  3. Select/deletes Animals, Upload xxx selected EID Replacements to NLIS OR Clear xxx selected EID Replacements.

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