Sessions (app)
Edit Existing Session (app)
Imported, Scanned or Bulk Sessions that have been entered via the web or the app can be edited. From the StockMate Dashboard, tap Sessions to view the Session List. If desired, filter by Selected Property, Session Type, and Date Range. Sessions that ...
Create New Bulk Session (app)
Bulk Sessions are used for recording Handling and Exits along with their Treatments, without scanning animals individually. On the Dashboard, tap Sessions. Tap + Bulk Session. Enter Name, select the Session Type and Sub-type, Create Session. Bulk ...
Create New Scan Session – Scanning (app)
From the Session Setup screen, tap Start Scanning. For further details about setting up a Scanning Session refer Create New Scan Session – Session Setup (app). Overall Session Screen Tap the Cog Icon to return to the Session Setup screen. Tap Note to ...
Create New Scan Session – Session Setup (app)
Scan sessions are used when scanning individual animals for Arriving, Handling and Exit. Creating a Session A Session can be created on the web or the app. For instructions on creating a Session on the web, refer to Create New Session – Scan Session ...
Sessions Overview (app)
Sessions are heavily used throughout StockMate, for recording animal attributes, drafting, movements, examination results and applying treatments. On the app they can be created via scanning animals or bulk selection. The Status of an animal is in ...