Install StockMate & Setup Tablet (app)

Install StockMate & Setup Tablet (app)

Tablet Specifications

Minimum suggested Android device specification
  1. Android OS 8 or higher
  2. Min 3 GB RAM
  3. Min 64 GB storage
  4. Rugged protective case ('Ruggedised' tablets are recommended for extreme operating environments)
  5. Micro SD cards for backups
Android has specifically been selected as the required tablet operating system for multiple reasons:
  1. A micro SD card can be inserted, which allows for Live Backup functionality - important for keeping your unsynced data safe. See Restore (app) for further information.
  2. Wider connection compatibility with Bluetooth devices - allows for a range of EID, Weigh Scales and other hardware devices to successfully connect with StockMate.
  3. Cheaper tablet options.

Tablet Setup

Please ensure the following steps are completed before installing StockMate on the Android Tablet. These steps may differ slightly between tablet models.
  1. Turn on the tablet, step through the initial automatic setup if required.
  2. It is highly important to ensure the Tablet Date and Time is correct (this may be visible in Settings, General Management).
    Check the Date/Time regularly, and ensure it is updated if the Tablet is reset or the battery drained.
  3. Connect to a Wi-Fi network. Confirm tablet software is up to date (this may be visible in Settings, Software update). Check for updates, download and install the latest Android update, if required.
  4. Activate GPS capability (this may be visible in Settings, Connections). Ensure the ‘Location’ switch is turned on and follow the prompts if required (you must ‘Agree’ for the Location services to work).

Download & Install the StockMate App (new tablets)

Downloading the App from the website can be used for new tablets that do not have the StockMate App installed. The latest released version will be available for download, along with a release summary and notes for past app updates.
Release notes for this, and past, versions can be viewed on this web page.
  1. Download and install the StockMate App from the Elynx website.
  2. Select Get the App
  3. Select Download App, Save to device, Open.

    You may receive a security popup e.g. “This type of file may harm your tablet. Only download this file if you trust its source” – select Download.
    - You may need to follow the prompts to grant permission to install the App.
    - The file will save to My Files > Internal Storage > Download.
  4. Select Install, Open. The StockMate app is now installed on the tablet.
  5. Newer versions of the app are released periodically. You must ensure you have the latest version of StockMate installed. Refer to Update the App article for instructions on how to update the app.

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