Kill Lots (web)

Kill Lots (web)

In this section of the Carcase functionality, the feedback files from the abattoir are imported into StockMate. 
Work through each of the tabs to ensure all the fields from the CSV file are mapped correctly and all carcase data is linked to the relevant StockMate animal.
Administrator or Area Manager permission levels are required to access the Carcase functionality.
At least one Import Template is required before being able to proceed with importing a Kill Lot, refer to Carcase Settings (web) for further assistance.

CSV File

  1. Select Carcase, Kill Lots.
  2. Select + New Kill Lot.
  3. On the CSV file tab, select Browse...and select the feedback file from the abattoir, to be imported.
  4. The fields from the feedback file will be displayed on screen. Select Continue to Value Mapping.

Value Mapping

  1. Select the required Import Template from the drop-down list.
    To setup an import template select the import templates shortcut.
    To setup value mappings, select the carcase attribute value mappings shortcut.
    For detailed instructions on setting up Carcase Attributes and Import Templates refer to Carcase Settings (web).

  2. The Mapped Data will be displayed on screen and any issues with the mapping of the imported data will be displayed as red or yellow columns. The error message indicates how to fix the errors.
  3. Hover over  in the red column for additional information about the error.
  4. To fix mapping issues select  next to values highlighted red.
  5. On the Add Mapping screen, select a To Value (StockMate) from the drop-down list. Select Save.
    The From Value will not be imported if the To Value is set to [Blank].
    If the required To Value is not available in the drop-down list, typing in the field will allow you to add new To Values for the field.

  6. Once all values have been mapped, the coloured columns will be cleared and the data is ready to be imported. Select Continue to Animal Mapping.

Animal Mapping

  1. On the Animal Mapping tab, the carcase information is displayed and the imported data is automatically linked to animals in StockMate.
    Review data and ensure required fields and value mapping has been achieved successfully.
    Carcase data to be imported is shown in the blue highlighted section.

  2. Occasionally there may be an animal in the Carcase file that is not linked to an existing animal in StockMate. For example they may have lost their EID between exit and the abattoir.
    Unlinked data will still Import successfully but Kill Lot won't auto-reconcile (if selected) and therefore Kill Lot Actions will not be executed e.g., adding animals to Exit Sessions & Exit Weight Calcs and ASGs. Animals can be linked, and Actions carried out from within the Kill Lot later, if investigation is required before linking the correct animal.
    1. To link an animal, select [None].

    2. Select , input the animal EID, Visual Tag, NLIS ID, Society ID or Beast ID, select .
      Animal Lookup supports wildcard characters. Represent a single unknown character with '?' or multiple with '*'.

    3. Select Link.

  3. Select Continue to Import into StockMate.

Importing into StockMate

  1. Input the Kill Lot details;

  2. Applying Kill Lot Actions;
    1. If the animals are not already part of an exit session, tick the Add unexited animals to exit session.
      If the 'Add unexited animals to exit session' option is ticked, then an Abattoir name must be selected.
      Select New Session or Existing Session (Exit Session Code required) and input NVD, if required.

    2. If populating Exit Weights, or overriding existing Exit Weights with a desired Weight Calc Method, tick Populate exit weights.
      Select a Weight Calc Method and provide the necessary information required in order to execute the Action.

      Using the Prorate Total Live Weight by Last Weight, Weight Calc Method relies on the Tenant Settings; refer to Carcase Settings (web) for further assistance.
      Validation received when the range of Last Weight Dates exceeds the Limit saved.

    3. If subscribed to the Financial Module, animals in a Kill Lot can be added to an Animal Sale Group; tick Add animals to Animal Sale Group (ASG) and select New ASG or Existing ASG (ASG Code required). If there are unexited animals being added to an Exit Session, tick Reconcile exit sessions and prorate ASGs; this is required in order to populate the ASG with the Animals and apply their Carcase Gross Value.

  3. Select Import into StockMate.
  4. The carcase data is now available in StockMate.

Editing a Kill Lot

A Kill Lot may need to be edited after creation when more data needs to be imported against the existing animals in the Kill Lot, for example, MSA or Digital Camera Measurements may be received later. The details of the Kill Lot can be amended here and Actions carried out if they were not able to be achieved at initial import.
  1. On the Kill Lots screen, select the Kill Lot to be edited.
  2. Select Kill Lot Details.
  3. In order to edit the Kill Lot, it must first be unreconciled. Select Reconciled.
  4. When unreconciled, the Name, Kill Date, Abattoir, and Purchaser fields can be edited.

  5. In order to access the Actions, the Kill Lot must be reconciled first. Select Reconcile.
  6. Select Actions.
  7. The Actions section enables you to; Add unexited animals to an exit session; Populate and calculate exit weights; and Add animals to Animal Sale Group (Financials Module required).
    Once the relevant box(es) are ticked and information filled in, select Execute Actions.
  8. Select Save.

Importing Additional Carcase Data to an Existing Kill Lot

Additional animals can be added to a Kill Lot and existing carcases can have their data updated. However the existing Kill Lot must be unreconciled in order to add more data to it.
  1. If the session has previously been reconciled (Kill Lot Details button is green); select Kill Lot Details.
  2. Select ReconciledSave. This will unreconcile the session to allow for further imports.

  3. On the Carcases screen, select Import Carcases.
  4. Select Browse and navigate to the csv file to be imported into the existing Kill Lot.
  5. Select Continue to Value Mapping
  6. Select the required Import Template from the drop-down list. Select Continue to Animal Mapping.
  7. Review the data for any issues that need to be resolved. Select Continue to Import into StockMate.
  8. The alert advises of which Kill Lot is being updated as part of the import.
    Select Action options as required. Select Import into StockMate.

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