NLIS Overview

NLIS Overview

The NLIS Section of the StockMate website allows users to perform a raft of transactions between the NLIS database and the StockMate database.
  1. NLIS Settings - enter your NLIS credentials into StockMate to get started (this is a once off).
  1. Uploading Arrivals, Deaths and EID Replacements - perform regularly to meet the mandatory NLIS requirements;
  2. Downloading detail pertaining to Arrivals, PICs, Paddocks, or Sessions - perform optionally, for additional detail in StockMate;
  3. Downloading NLIS Devices Purchased - perform optionally, for additional detail in StockMate on new NLIS devices; and
  4. Reconciling StockMate and NLIS data - used periodically to meet audit requirements and ensure your StockMate and NLIS databases are clean.
History and Troubleshooting-
  1. NLIS Logs - used for viewing history of NLIS and StockMate transactions.
Detailed step-by-step instructions are contained in each article.
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