Sessions Overview (app)

Sessions Overview (app)

Sessions are heavily used throughout StockMate, for recording animal attributes, drafting, movements, examination results and applying treatments. On the app they can be created via scanning animals or bulk selection. The Status of an animal is in StockMate is dependant on the most recent session an animal has been in.
Existing Sessions can be edited via different methods depending on the type of Session being edited. These are outlined in this overview article.

Session Type and Sub Type

When creating a Session, it is important to specify the Session Type. The Sub Type field is optional.
  1. Session Type: This can be selected from a drop-down list and includes Pre-Arrival, Arrival, Handling and Exit.
  2. Sub Type (optional): For each Session Type, a Sub Type may be selected from a drop-down list to provide more detail about the Session.
  3. Animal Status: The status of an animal is generated by StockMate dependant on the last session type the animal has been through.
Session Type
Sub Type
Animal Status
External Property Transfer
Natural Increase
Opening Stock
Private Purchase
Saleyard Purchase
Inter-Property Arrival
Inter-Property Exit
Mob Movement
Mob Transfer
Pregnancy Test
Live Export
Online Sale
Private Sale
Correction - Dead

Session Code

When a Session is created, StockMate will generate a unique session code. This code gives each session an individual identifier that can be communicated easily, can be used for filtering the Sessions List, and linking Inter-property Exit sessions to the corresponding Inter-property Arrival. The code follows a specific format to indicate the Property and the Device the session was created on. The first two characters indicate the Property Code for the Session Property. The second two characters indicate the Device the session was created on. The remaining numbers auto-increment to create the unique session code.

A Property Code is assigned to a property on setup - refer to Setup Properties (web & app) for further information.
The device code is auto-generated each time a new device is synced to the website, to check device codes on the web see Devices (web). Sessions created on the StockMate website will have "AA" as their device identifier.

Create a New Session in the App

A Session is created in StockMate to add, move and exit current animals using the Tablet via in-field scanning.
Current animal data can also be input on the website. Refer to Sessions Overview (web) or for details on using the website to input animal data.
A new Session must be created and setup to be used when scanning in animals. Refer to Create New Scan Session - Session Setup (app) for instructions on creating and setting up a new Session. Once a Session is setup, animal details can be input into Stockmate via the Tablet as follows:
  1. Scan Session - Scan sessions are used when scanning individual animals for Arrival, Handling and Exit.
  2. Mob-based Session - If using Mob-based method for recording animal movements and livestock inventory, a mob-based session is used.
  3. Bulk Session - This function is used used for recording Handling and Exits along with their Treatments, without scanning animals individually.

Edit an Existing Session

Imported, Scanned or Bulk Sessions that have been entered via the web or the app can be edited via the Tablet. Refer to Edit Existing Session (app) for detailed instructions.

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