Setup Direct Relay Control Autodrafters (web & app)
Setup Direct Relay Control Autodrafters (web & app)
An Auto Drafter relay card can be configured and installed to allow existing Auto Drafters to be used with the StockMate App on Android Devices. StockMate can be used to trigger the gate operation after handling the animal.
Name the yards and select the Property. Tick These yards use an auto drafter.
Select the Manufacturer, Model, Protocol and Connection Method. Select Save & Edit Gates.
To enable auto-sequence options, Protocol must be set to Direct Relay Control.
Select +Add Gate.
Fill in the visible section of the Edit Gate form for required Race Gates, select Save.
A Race Gate is any gate used in the race, these can not be used as destinations when scanning animals in StockMate.
Any Race Gates should be setup first, to allow for selection when creating the Draft Gate auto sequences.
Repeat steps 4. and 5 to add multiple Race Gates.
To add a Drafting Gate, select + Add Gate.
Fill in the visible section of the Edit Gate form for the required Drafting Gate, select Save.
A Drafting Gate is a gate that leads to a yard. It can be selected as a destination when scanning animals in StockMate.
Select + Add Action, enter Auto Sequence, Save.
Repeat the above steps 7 to 9 to add multiple Drafting Gates.
On the App
In Stockmate, from the StockMate Options Menu, tap Configuration (top-right cog icon), Properties & Paddocks, Yards & Gates.
To add a Yard, tap +.
Enter Yards Name, choose Property from the drop-down list, tick These yards use an auto drafter. Comms Configuration and Gates will become visible.
Tap Configure Comms.
Select options on the Hardware Connections screen. Select Direct Relay Control for the Protocol and the Connection Method i.e. USB, Wireless or Bluetooth. Tap Save.
In the example below, Wireless was chosen as the connection method.
Further details about setting up the gates using different connection methods are included under StockMate Settings below.
Toggle to initiate the connection. A successful connection will be indicated by a green Wireless icon. Tap Close.
A successful connection must be established before proceeding.
On the Yards Editor screen, tap Edit Gates.
On the Gate Editor screen, tap +, input Gate Name, select Gate Type from the drop-down list and enter Race Gate information, Tap Save.
A Race Gate is any gate used in the race, these can not be used as destinations when scanning animals in StockMate.
Any Race Gates should be setup first, to allow for selection when creating the Draft Gate auto sequences.
Repeat step 8 to add multiple Race Gates.
Tap +, enter Drafting Gate information. Select Edit Auto Sequence.
A Drafting Gate is a gate that leads to a yard. It can be selected as a destination when scanning animals in StockMate.
Tap +, input sequence information, Save. Repeat to add multiple actions in the sequence.
Actions are executed in sequence; delays are measured from the time that the previous action was triggered.
Tap the Back Arrow (top-left) to return to the Gate Editor screen, repeat step 10 to add multiple Drafting Gates.
StockMate Settings
Connection Method: Wireless
In Stockmate, from the StockMate Options Menu, tap Configuration (top-right cog icon), Properties & Paddocks, Yards & Gates.
Tap the Yard that was setup previously. In this example, tap Demo Auto Yards.
To set up Comms Configuration, tap Configure Comms.
Select options so the Hardware Connections screen will look like the screenshot below. Tap Save. IP Address and Port will populate automatically when Wireless is selected as the Connection Method.
Toggle to initiate the connection. A successful connection will be indicated by a green Wireless icon. Tap Close to return to the Yards Editor screen.
A successful connection must be established before proceeding.
Follow the steps in the Setup Yards and Gates section above, to setup the Gates.
Connection Method: Bluetooth
In Stockmate, from the StockMate Options Menu, tap Configuration (top-right cog icon), Properties & Paddocks, Yards & Gates.
Tap the Yard that was setup previously. In this example, tap Demo Auto Yards.
To set up Comms Configuration, tap Configure Comms.
Pair the Autodrafter to the Android tablet.
On the Hardware Connections screen, tap the Bluetooth icon.
Scan and select the DR Autodrafter from the Available devices list. A pairing code will be displayed on the Android device only. Accept the code.
To return to Hardware Connections, use the back button on the tablet.
Select options so the Hardware Connections screen will look like the screenshot below (Paired Device: select the device paired in Step 4). Tap Save.
Toggle to initiate the connection. A successful connection will be indicated by a green Bluetooth icon. Tap Close to return to the Yards Editor screen.
A successful connection must be established before proceeding.
Follow the steps in the Setup Yards and Gates section above, to setup the Gates.
Connection Method: Serial Cable
When using a Serial Cable to connect the Auto drafter, be mindful this will occupy the tablets charging port. If the tablet requires charging during operation, an adaptor will be required.
In Stockmate, from the StockMate Options Menu, tap Configuration (top-right cog icon), Properties & Paddocks, Yards & Gates.
Tap the Yard that was setup previously. In this example, tap Demo Auto Yards.
To set up Comms Configuration, tap Configure Comms.
Select options so the Hardware Connections screen will look like the screenshot below (USB Device: select the USB Device.) Tap +More serial settings to select additional details such as Data Bits, Parity and Stop Bits. Toggle to initiate the connection. The USB icon will turn green when a successful connection is established.
A successful connection must be established before proceeding.
Tap Save. Tap Close to return to the Yards Editor screen.
Follow the steps in the Setup Yards and Gates section above, to setup the Gates.
Using In a Scan Session
An EID reader and Weigh Scales will be required to scan and weigh animals into StockMate. See Hardware Connections Overview (app) for more information.
To check Hardware connections, tap Hardware Connections (top-right, comms icon), and edit if required.
From the StockMate Options Menu, tap Hardware Connections (top-right, comms icon).
Toggle the relevant Demo Auto Yards to Connect. In this example, the connection method is via Bluetooth.
Depending on the connection method, the Wireless/Bluetooth/Serial icon will turn green when successfully connected.
In the Session Setup screen, tick Unattended and activate options, as required.
Unattended Sessions are useful where generally no manual data entry needs to occur within the session. The Pause options can be used to manage animals with follow-ups or flags.
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