Setup Properties (web & app)

Setup Properties (web & app)

A StockMate database may consist of several Properties, and each Property may consist of several Paddocks. This article outlines the setting up of Properties.
Properties must be setup on the web, but can be edited on either the web or app.

Properties on the Web

  1. Select ConfigurationProperties & PaddocksProperties, +Add Record.

  2. Enter the Property Details fields.
    The Note field is optional. It is a 250 character, free text field. 
    Code: is required. It is suggested to have a meaningful Property Code as it is used in creating unique Session Codes. See Sessions Overview (web) for further information.
    ‘Land Area’ will automatically be calculated once the Property is mapped.

  3. Scroll down to map the Property. To mark the boundaries of the Property on the map:
  4. Info
    Mapping of the Property is Optional.
    1. Zoom in or out of the Property location by scrolling or double clicking the mouse, or by using the  +  and  -  controls.
    2. Right-click the mouse to create a Property boundary marker.  Continue adding Property boundary markers in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction, and the Property outline will increase.
    3. Continue to add new markers until the boundary location is mapped correctly.
    Existing markers can be moved by left-clicking on the marker, holding the left button down and using the mouse to move the marker to the correct location on the map.
    Double-click on a marker to remove it.

    1.  Select Save.
    2. Follow steps 1-4 to set up each Property. Notes will appear on the Properties screen as a blue icon, once the record is saved. Hovering over the icon will display the note.
    3. To duplicate the details of an existing Property, select the Property. On the Edit Record screen, select Duplicate.
      This functionality will create a copy of the property, including contact details and boundary mapping points.
      For the new property record, a Code will need to be added. Paddocks will need to be created and Management areas will need to be assigned.

    Properties on the App

    Properties can be setup only on the website, but can be edited on the app.
    1. On the Dashboard, tap Configuration (top-right cog icon), Properties & Paddocks, Properties.

    2.  The Properties that have already been setup on the website will be listed here.

    3. To edit a Property, tap the Property name to open up the Properties Editor. Make desired changes, Save.

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