Setup TePari Autogates (web & app)

Setup TePari Autogates (web & app)

The TePari Taurus Auto Sorting Crush and Racewell Auto Drafter can be used with the StockMate App on Android Devices. The gate operation is mainly configured and carried out by the TePari drafter; refer to the TePari user manual for further instructions. StockMate can be used to trigger the gate operation after handling the animal.
Weigh Scales must be connected to StockMate to use the TePari Autogates. The weigh scales must be supplying a continuous weight value, and connected separately to StockMate without the EID Reader e.g. Tru-test EziWeigh, Gallagher Ruddweigh, Nuweigh JAC 101, Rinstrum X320, Rinstrum R320. Refer to Hardware Connections Overview for further information.

Setup Yards and Gates

On the Web

  1. Select ConfigurationProperties & PaddocksYards & Gates+ Add Yards.

  2. Name the yards and select the Property. Tick These yards support automatic gates.

  3. Select the Communication Method, enter communication information required, and select Manufacturer Gate Protocol. Select Save & Edit Gates.
    See Hardware Connections section below for further Communication Method information.

  4. Select + Add Gate.

  5. Fill in the visible section of the Edit Gate form, select Save.
    The Open Command will be the gate number in square brackets.

  6. Select + Add Action, enter Auto Sequence, Save.

  7. Repeat the above steps 4 to 6 to add multiple gates.

On the App

  1. From the StockMate Dashboard, tap Configuration (top-right cog icon), Properties & PaddocksYards & Gates.

  2. To add a Yardtap +.
  3. Enter Yards Name, choose Property, tick These yards support automatic gates.
  4. Choose Gate Protocol, Comms Method and enter communication information as required. Edit Gates.
    See Hardware Connections section below for further Communication Method information.
  5. Enter gate information, Edit Auto Sequence.
    The Open Cmd will be the gate number in square brackets.

  6. Tap +, input sequence information, Save.
  7. Tap the Back Arrow (top-left) twice to return to the Gate Editor screen, repeat steps 5 and 6 to add multiple gates.

Hardware Connections

Communication Method: Wireless

  1. From the StockMate Dashboard, tap More (three dots at top-right), Preferences.
  2. Tap Config.

  3. Tick Automatic Gates Connected. Select options so the Hardware Connections screen will look like the screenshot below. Tap Save & Test to establish the connection. When connected successfully the Save & Test and Gates via WiFi buttons will turn green.
    Yards: Select the appropriate Auto Yards for the drafting location. See Setup Yards and Gates section above for more information.
    IP Address and Port: will be unique to your setup.

Communication Method: Bluetooth

  1. From the StockMate Dashboard, tap More (three dots at top-right), Preferences.
  2. Tap Config.
  3. Tap Bluetooth, ensure bluetooth is turned on for both devices, scan and pair with the TePari Autogates. After pairing use the < (bottom right of screen on the tablet) to return to the StockMate Hardware Connections screen.

  4. Tick Automatic Gates Connected. Select options so the Hardware Connections screen will look like the screenshot below (Paired Device: select the TePari device paired in step 3). Tap Save & Test to establish the connection. When connected successfully the Save & Test and Gates BT buttons will turn green.
    Yards: Select the appropriate Auto Yards for the drafting location. See Setup Yards and Gates section above for more information.

Communication Method: Serial Cable

When using a Serial Cable to connect the TePari, be mindful this will occupy the tablets charging port. If the tablet requires charging during operation, an adaptor will be required. 
  1. From the StockMate Dashboard, tap More (three dots at top-right), Preferences.
  2. Tap Config.

  3. Tick Automatic Gates Connected. Select options so the Hardware Connections screen will look like the screenshot below (Connected USB Serial Device: will display the serial cable when plugged into the tablet). Tap Save & Test to establish the connection. When connected successfully the Save & Test and Gates USB buttons will turn green.
    Yards: Select the appropriate Auto Yards for the drafting location. See Setup Yards and Gates section above for more information.

Using In a Scan Session

To use in a scan session, from the Session Setup screen ensure Hardware Connections is ticked on. Refer to Create New Scan Session – Session Setup (app) for further details.
To check Hardware connections, tap Config, and edit if required.
An EID reader and Weigh Scales will also be required to scan and weigh animals into StockMate. Weigh Scales must be connected and sending a continuous weight value. See Hardware Connections Overview (app) for more information.

Activate Unattended Sessions options, as required.
Unattended Sessions are useful where generally no manual data entry needs to occur within the session. The Pause options can be used to manage animals with follow-ups or flags.

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