Carcase Overview (web)

Carcase Overview (web)

When animals are sent to Abattoirs, a range of data points are captured on them. The abattoir sends this information back to the owner of the cattle.
The Carcase functionality in StockMate will allow the owners to import the feedback files from abattoirs and run reports to assess the data.
Administrator or Area Manager permission levels are required to access the Carcase functionality.
Refer to the following articles for specific information on each of the features;
  1. Carcase Settings (web)
    Carcase Attributes - Add Value Mappings that are shown in Carcase feedback files, against a set list of Carcase Attributes to ensure data is correctly mapped to StockMate Values, when Imported into Kill Lots.
    Import Templates - Create and manage the Import Templates that are used to enter the feedback files returned from Abattoirs, into StockMate's Kill Lots.
  2. Kill Lots (web) - Create Kill Lots to Import the feedback files returned from Abattoirs and link to the relevant Animals. Animals can be added to Exit Sessions, with various methods to calculate Exit Weights and also add to an Animal Sale Group (when subscribed to the Financial Module).
  3. Carcase Performance Report (web) - View Carcase data imported into StockMate, linked to Animals through Kill Lots, alongside most previously captured data, to help producers identify performance trends. Included are Preset Report Configurations and Pivots, which can be built upon and customised to suit. 

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