Livestock on Hand Report – Mob-based (web)

Livestock on Hand Report – Mob-based (web)

The Livestock On Hand report displays information for Active head numbers at a give point in time.
Ensure Tenant Settings are setup for Mob-based management. Refer to Mob-based Tenant Settings for further details.
  1. Select Mob Reports, Livestock On Hand.

  2. Specify 'Search Criteria', and select a 'Report Configuration'. Select Load.

  3. The results will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. These can be downloaded by selecting the  button.

  1. Detailed instructions on creating or editing a Report Configuration can be found in Report Configurations.
  2. For instructions regarding specifying Search Criteria, refer to Report Search Criteria.
  3. For a description of the fields included in this report, refer to Report Field Descriptions.

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