Mob-based Sessions (web)

Mob-based Sessions (web)

Sessions are used throughout StockMate, for recording animal attributes, drafting, movements, examination results and applying treatments. They can be created via scanning animals, bulk selection or importing data using the relevant templates. The Status of an animal in StockMate is dependant on the most recent session an animal has been in.

Ensure that the Tenant Settings are configured for mob-based stock management. Refer to Enable Mob-based Tenant Settings (web) for further details.

Creating New Mob-based Arrival Session

For New Users of StockMate, there maybe existing stock. If individual animal ID data is not available, the animals can still be recorded in StockMate by line. Their location can then be nominated as well as the numbers on the properties.
Mob Sessions are used for this process because individual animal data is not being applied at this point.
Existing animal data can be input into StockMate via:
  1. Importing a CSV if the EID of individual animals are recorded in a spreadsheet. Refer to Create New Session - Import CSV (web) for further details.
    For new users of StockMate with existing stock, ensure that the Session Type is Arrival and the Session sub type is Opening Stock.
  2. Scanning the animals manually in one or more sessions and syncing the tablet app to the cloud. Refer to Create New Session - Scan Session (web) for further details.
  1. Select Sessions, + New Mob Session.

  2. Input session details. Ensure that Session type and Sub Type are set as Arrival and Opening Stock respectively. Select + Create Session.

  3. Select + Add Line. Enter lines of stock. Note that ‘lines’ of stock can be the descriptors you use to define and count a particular grouping of animals. These can be manually added, or automatically generated from individual animal scan data.

  4. Use the Line Editor to input details of each grouping of animals in particular locations.
    The ‘From Property/Paddock’ and ‘From Class/Gender/Mob’ fields are disabled for Opening Stock sessions, however will be enabled for other animal movements.
      1. Nominate the ‘To Property’ and ‘To Paddock’ in which the animals are located. Then select ‘Class’, ‘Gender’ and ‘Mob’.
        Some options may be precluded if the selections don’t match your setup.
      2. Make changes within Livestock Attributes (under the ‘Configuration’ menu option) if necessary, so that the ‘lines’ can be populated.
      3. Enter the number of Head. If a weight for the animals is available enter this now in either the 'Average' or 'Total Weight' fields. The weight source may be an 'Estimation', or it may be actual weights from truck scales or individual weighs, although these options are unlikely unless animals have been processed recently, Save.
        If an average weight is added based on an estimation or actual data from the scales, total weight will be calculated and vice versa.

    Add lines for each group of animals being imported.
  5. If you wish to add an 'Owner' or 'Vendor' for the animal, select , + Add Service.
    Any contacts such as owners, vendors, transport operators etc. need to be added in StockMate ConfigurationContacts before they will populate lists in the Service Editor. See Setup Contacts (web & app).

  6. Repeat the process for each line of animal being added, using the mob based system, to your opening inventory on each property and paddock which is within your management area.

Recording Mob Arrivals with Scan Data

Other types of Mob Based arrivals include external property transfers, found animals, inductions, natural increase, private purchases and saleyard purchases. The mob based management functionality in StockMate can be used for an animal induction. Rather than create lines from manual counts, scan data can be used to define the animal lines.
  1. Select Sessions, + New Mob Session to create a new mob session.
  2. As these animals were purchased from a saleyard, set the Type to Arrival. You may equally set the Sub Type to Induction or Saleyard purchase. Select Create Session.
  3. Animal data may be captured through a scan session using the tablet (refer to Create New Scan Session – Scanning (app)), or through importing a CSV with the necessary data (refer to Import CSV – Input Information (web)).
  4. Select View Scans to see individual animal scan data.

  5. To import a list of the animal EID and data, select Import/Export CSV, Import/Export Scans.

  6. In the Import/Export Scans dialogue box, select Browse and locate the csv file on your computer. Select Import xx Records.
  7. The data from the csv file will now be visible in StockMate in the Session screen. Select View Mob Lines to return to the Mob-based management screen.

  8. Select Create Lines from Scans. You will receive a warning saying ‘Lines will be created based on the scans attached to this session'. Select OK to continue.

  9. Add a Service to the Induction Session. In this instance, Road Transport would need to be added to this Session. Select Services, + Add Service. In the Service Editor dialogue box, select the relevant details, Save.
Ensure that the Contact has been setup in StockMate. Refer to Setup Contacts for detailed instructions.

Recording Mob Based Movements

Mob-based Sessions are used to record all movements of stock using the ‘mob based’ inventory method.
These include movements onto the property, within the property and to other properties within the organisation as well as recording ‘Deads’ and ‘Exits’.
These ‘Mob Sessions’ are used to record movements on either the web or on the tablet.
  1. To record bulk or mob movements on the website, select Sessions, + New Mob Session.

  2. Input details for the Session. Ensure Type is Handling and Sub Type is Mob Movement. Select + Create Session.

  3. Select + Add Line.

  4. Input the relevant details into the Line Editor dialogue box, select Save.
  5. After adding each line associated with a draft or movement, the lines will be visible in the Session screen as shown below.

Recording In Transit Animals

When animals have been exited from one property and can not yet be recorded as having arrived in another location they will appear on Mob reports as ‘In Transit’. Then, when they Arrive at the destination site they can be moved from ‘In Transit’ to the arrival paddock. (This ‘In Transit’ step becomes important for inventory purposes, particularly when different properties are in different management areas). These animals may be loaded on a truck for some time.

To record the movement, we create a Handling session (Sub-Type: Inter-property Exit).
  1. Select Sessions, + New Mob Session.

  2. Input the relevant details. Ensure Type is Handling and Sub Type is Inter-property Exit.
  3. Select + Add Line.

  4. In the Line Editor dialogue box, input relevant details, Save.
  5. Once the move is recorded, the animals are regarded as being ‘In Transit’ until such time as a ‘Handling – Inter-property Arrival Session’ records their arrival at the destination.

  6. Animals 'In Transit' appear on the Dashboard as shown below.

    These animals are also recorded as being ‘In Transit’ in both Livestock on Hand and Movement Summaries until they are ‘Arrived’ at the destination.

Mob based 'Livestock on Hand' Report showing Animals in Transit

Mob Based 'Movement Summary' Report showing Animals in Transit

These animals then remain ‘In Transit’ until their arrival is recorded at the destination property.

Recording the Arrival of In Transit animals

  1. To record the arrival of these animals coming from another internal property, select Sessions, + New Mob Session.

  2. Enter the Session Name, Date, Property. Specify the Type as Handling and Sub Type as Inter-property Arrival.
    Ensure the Inter-property Exit Code of the matching Inter-property Exit so that the records can be reconciled.
    Ensure Default Paddock is selected otherwise the animal data will not be copied across to the new Property. Select + Create Session.

  3. The animals will now be recorded as having arrived at the new property.

  4. The Session List now shows the Exit from one property and the Arrival of these animals at the destination property.
If the animals in transit are not visible after creating the 'Handling: Inter-Property Arrival' Session, check Tenant Settings and ensure that the Auto copy inter-property Exit details to inter-property Arrival session is ticked.

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